Seeds of Faith Bible Lesson – NIV

Teaching Concept: God’s words are like seeds. If we plant them in our hearts, they will grow into something beautiful. We will grow to be more like Jesus every day. This lesson is introduced by a short puppet skit or play.


Includes 28 pages of the following crafts and activities:

  1. Seeds of Faith” Seed Packet Craft – with four different flowers in both color and black and white patterns.
  2. “Growing in God’s Love” Growing Flower Craft
  3. Puppet skit to introduce the Bible lesson
  4. Printable “Plant the Seeds” Bible Verse Review Game
  5. See Identification Game
  6. “Plant Seeds of Faith” Plant Marker Craft
  7. Bible Verse Review Seeds Activity (Older Children)
  8. Three songs for younger children.

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on the Seeds of Faith Bible Lesson Page on Danielle’s Place.

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