Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 23 Pages Bible Lesson Printable Bible verse cards – KJV and NIV Lost coin craft foam money pouches Woman searching for coin activity sheet Woman finds her coin stick puppet Coin rubbing activity sheet Shoebox diorama Luke 19:10 Bible verse rebus activity sheets – KJV and NIV All the...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 36 Pages Bible Lesson Bible Verse Cards Serpent Talking to Eve Coloring or Activity Sheet Cereal Box Puppet Stage, Puppets, and Act out the Story Adam and Eve Stick Puppets Printable Garden of Eden Bulletin Board Display and Lesson Visual Recognizing Satan’s Lies Children’s Activity Apple Bible Verse Review...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 38 Pages Bible Lesson Bible Verse Card Serpent Talking to Eve Coloring or Activity Sheet Cereal Box Puppet Stage, Puppets, and Act out the Story Adam and Eve Stick Puppets Printable Garden of Eden Bulletin Board Display and Lesson Visual Recognizing Satan’s Lies Children’s Activity Apple Bible Verse Review...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Bible Lesson Include: 27 Pages Bible Lesson KJV and NIV Bible Verse Cards Early Arriver Activities Sarah Rocking Baby Isaac Activity Sheet Sarah Rocking Baby Isaac Coloring Sheet Bible Review Questions Review the Lesson using Bible Characters Activity All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are...
Price: $2.95
Bible Lesson About Controlling Your Tongue Printable Patterns for this Bible Lesson Include: 29 Pages Bible Lesson KJV and NIV Bible Verse Cards Psalm 19:14 Bible Verse Coloring Sheet NIV Bible Verse Mystery Activity Sheet “Let it Shine!” Paper Plate Craft Sad and Happy Face Visuals for the Lesson “Kind Words” Sunny Face Puppets Control...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Bible Lesson Include: 30 Pages Color a picture of the Dogs from the Story Proverbs 26:17 Grabbing a Stray Dog by the Ears Activity Sheet Picture of a Dog With Moving Ear Dog and Frog Stick Puppets “Feed the Dog” Bible Verse Review “Doggy, Doggy, Where’s your Bone” Bible Verse Game...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Bible Lesson Include: 21 Pages Bible Verse Memory Cards Mephibosheth and David Stick Puppets Mephibosheth Activity Sheet Mephibosheth Coloring Sheet Review Games Words Describing David Bible Bookmark Craft “Kindness Count” Game All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership for $23.95....
Price: $2.95
Children will love crafting this adorable, mouse-themed Father’s Day card that’s sure to bring a smile to their dads’ faces. They color the patterns, cut them out, and glue them together to make the card. They also cut cheese shapes from yellow paper and draw on circles to make it look more like Swiss cheese,...
Price: $2.00
Includes Both Color and Black and White Patterns All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are also available through a yearly membership for $23.95. You can find details about this lesson on the Father’s Day Crafts Page for Kids Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.
Price: $2.00