Printable Patterns for this Lesson Includes: 24 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Make Paper Flags Patriotic Folding Craft Stick Craft Bible Lesson “Ye Shall Be Free Indeed” Bible Verse Review Game Make Personal Flags God Bless the USA! Picture John 8:36 Bible Verse Activity Sheet All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Lesson Includes: 18 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Snowman Bible Verse Coloring Sheet – KJV and NIV Big Paper Snowman Craft with Poem Short and Stout Snowman Build a Snowman Bible Verse Review Game Snowman Find the Snack Game Genesis 2:7 Bible Verse Review Activity Sheet All the patterns, games, and...
Price: $2.95
Hiram Builds The Temple Furnishing Bible Lesson Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 21 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Blocks to Build a Wall Around the Temple Courtyard Colossians 3:23 “Do it Heartily” Bible Verse Coloring Sheet (Younger Children) Colossians 3:23 “Do it Heartily” Bible Verse Activity Sheet (Older Children). “Place the Temple Furnishings” Bible...
Price: $2.95
Building on the Rock Bible Lesson Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 28 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Building On Jesus Activity Sheet (Younger Children) The Rain Came Down Activity Sheet (Older Children) Building on the Rock and in the Sand Activity The Rain Comes Down Activity Building According to a Plan (Older Children) Building...
Price: $2.95
King Solomon Builds the Temple Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 18 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards 3D Picture of King Solomon’s Temple with Pillars Use Blocks to Build Replicas of Solomon’s Temple or Parts of the Temple Boaz and Jachin Bible Verse Review Game Bible Lesson Review Game Act Out the Story King Solomon...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns Includes: 8 Pages Instructions 2.5″ Black and White Card Patterns 3″ Black and White Card Patterns (2 pages) 2.5″ Colored Card Patterns 3″ Colored Card Patterns (2 Pages) Skin Colors of the World – We Are More Than Black and White Activity Sheet All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come...
Price: $2.95
The Lord is My Rock Bible Lesson Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 15 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards “What Should You Build Your Foundation On?” Worksheet Matthew 7:25 – Bible Verse Review Activity Sheet Paint a Rock as a Reminder that Jesus is Our Rock “Pass the Rock” Game Standing on the Rock Demonstration...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 32 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards “Go Tell Others” Travel Case Craft Beautiful Feet Pom Pom Craft Great Commission “Go” Traffic Light Craft Isaiah 52:7 Mobile Craft “I’m Going on A Trip” Game Make a Whispering Tube Missionary Adventures Bible Board Game All the patterns, games, and lessons in...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 5 Pages Full-Page Snowman Pattern Two pages of Colored Snowman Clothes and other Items Two pages of Black and White Snowman Clothes and other items. All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room. For...
Price: $2.00