3D Paper Christmas Candle Craft for Children’s Ministry
With this “Light of the World” 3D paper candle craft, you can introduce your children to the Christmas story of the Magi searching for Jesus. As your children create a unique Christmas decoration, take the opportunity to review the Bible story with them. They can color the candle, candle holder, and holly pattern before assembling the pieces using tape and glue. This craft will serve as a lasting reminder of what they have learned.
This craft includes three pages:
- Candle with a picture of the magi, a star, and the words “Light of the World.”
- The candle holder pattern.
- Holly and Holly berries and a candle flame pattern.
You can find more fun crafts like this at Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.
This craft is also available on The Resource Room, a subscription site where you can access all the crafts on Danielle’s Place for a yearly fee.
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