In this lesson, children will dive into the inspiring story of Job and his unwavering trust in God despite enduring the loss of his family and his health. The lesson includes an activity sheet, a coloring sheet, and interactive games to reinforce the biblical concepts and make it memorable for both younger and older children.
Included in this lesson:
- Job’s Second Test Activity Sheet – Students count the number of sores Job has on his body and then color the sheet if they prefer.
- Printable Bible Verse Cards – Available in both KJV and NIV.
- Job’s Second Test Coloring Sheet – Children add sores to Job’s body to make this part of the lesson memorable.
- “Feeling Under the Weather” Dog-themed Get-well Cards – Children can choose to color a card that says, “I feel you are feeling under the weather. Get well soon!” or make up their own words for the card.
- Rebus Bible Verse Review Game – Children take turns answering questions from the Bible lesson and then remove a sticky note from the Rebus game board to reveal the pictures that represent parts of the Bible verse.
This lesson comes from Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities, where you can find hundreds of Bible crafts and activities for Children’s ministry.
This lesson is also available on The Resource Room, a subscription site.
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