Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Includes:
29 Pages
- Fruit of the Spirit Posters and Coloring Sheets Pattern
- Kindness Kiwi Coloring and Activity Sheet Pattern
- Fruit of the Spirit Coloring Sheet Pattern
- Fruit of the Spirit Review Game Pattern
- Human Grape Bunch Bible Game Pattern
- Pin the Grape on the Bunch Goodness Game Pattern
- Sharing Great Gobs of Goodness Cookies
- Kindness Quilt Pattern
All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.
This is one lesson in a series of eight lessons on the Fruit of the Spirit.
You can find details about this lesson on the Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness and Kindness Bible Lesson Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.
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