Christian Symbols Easter Egg Hunt and Lift-the-Flap Game

Add a lively twist to your spring Easter program by introducing an exciting Easter egg hunt that promises to be a delightful experience for everyone. Children will search for colorful Easter eggs hidden in unexpected places. After collecting their treasures, they will discover the deeper significance of the symbols on the eggs by using related Bible verses. Each child will take turns lifting the flaps on the game board corresponding to the eggs they’ve found, revealing letters that form a mystery message. The child who identifies the Easter message first wins the game.

This download includes eight pages:

  1. Twelve 5-inch printable Easter symbol eggs in color.
  2. One page of Lift-the-flap Easter symbols to cover the game board.
  3. “The Lord is Risen” printable game board.
  4. Directions on how to play the game.
  5. Bible verses that correspond to each symbol.

Twelve Printable Christian Symbols Easter Egg Hunt

These Easer egg patterns also come in a Black and White Version for coloring and making decorations.

Find even more Faith-based Easter Crafts and Activities to use with your Sunday school, home school or other Easter programs. Designed for quick and easy preparation with easy-to-find supplies teachers will find these crafts suitable for their needs.

You can find more Religious Easter crafts and games on these pages of Danielle’s Place Easter Crafts Page 1, Easter Crafts Page 2, Easter Crafts page 3, Easter Crafts Page 4, Easter Crafts Page 5, and Easter Crafts Page 6.

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

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