Teaching Concept: Children learn that they can be happy when they try to do what is right even when it is hard. Jesus is our perfect example of how to resist temptation. It is impossible to do the right thing all the time no matter how hard we try. That is why God sent his only son who was the only truly righteous person. Jesus gave his life for us so that we can become righteous through him, and if we keep the faith we will earn a crown of righteousness.
This download includes Bible lessons or children’s sermons, crafts, and learning activities for both younger and older children in the KJV.
Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Include 23 Pages:
1. Printable Bible Verse Card – KJV
2. Cactus Flower and Bee Bible Verse Coloring Sheet – KJV
3. Crown of Righteousness Craft with 2 Timothy 4:7b-8a Bible Verse – KJV
4. Bible Lesson using a Bee Puppet with a Crown of Righteousness
5. Lesson Discussion for Older Children
6. Bee-themed Bible Verse Review Card Game
7. Bible Verse Review Spinner Game
All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.
You can find details about this lesson on the Beatitudes Bible Crafts – Righteousness on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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