Beatitudes Bee “Blessed Are the Meek” Bible Lesson – KJV

Teaching Concept: Jesus is our best example of meekness. He treated everyone with respect, humility, and love. In this lesson, children learn what it means to be meek and how they can become meek.

This download includes Bible lessons or children’s sermons, crafts, and learning activities for both younger and older children in the KJV.

Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Include 23 Pages:

1. Printable Bible Verse Card – KJV.

Zacchaeus in a Tree Coloring Sheet

2. Jesus and Zacchaeus in a Tree Coloring Sheet

Beatitudes Flower and Bees Coloring Sheet

3. Flower and Bee Coloring Sheet –  KJV

Beatitudes - Bless are the Meek Bible Bookmark Craft

4. Matthew 5:5 Bee Bible Verse Bookmarks – KJV

Paper Plate Bee Bible Verse Card Holder

5. Bee Holding a Bible Verse Paper Plate Craft

Beatitudes Bee Bible lesson and Puppet Skit

6. Bible Lesson with Bee Puppet Skit

Collecting Pollen Bible Lesson Review Game

7. Collecting Pollen Bible Lesson Review Game

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on the Beatitudes Bible Crafts – Blessed Are the Meek on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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