Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 32 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards “Go Tell Others” Travel Case Craft Beautiful Feet Pom Pom Craft Great Commission “Go” Traffic Light Craft Isaiah 52:7 Mobile Craft “I’m Going on A Trip” Game Make a Whispering Tube Missionary Adventures Bible Board Game All the patterns, games, and lessons in...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 5 Pages Full-Page Snowman Pattern Two pages of Colored Snowman Clothes and other Items Two pages of Black and White Snowman Clothes and other items. All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership for $23.95. For directions to...
Price: $2.00
“Jesus Knows My Name” Bible Lesson for Older Children Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 17 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards “Jesus Knows My Name” Sign Craft Make Art Out of Your Name Review the Bible Lesson with Interactive Bible Scene Bible Name Game “Find Your Friend” Game “Remember My Name” Game Zacchaeus Meets Jesus...
Price: $2.95
“Jesus Knows My Name” Bible Lesson for Younger Children Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 20 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards “Jesus Knows My Name” Sign Craft Picture of Zacchaeus in a Tree Coloring Sheet “Can You Find Zacchaeus?” Coloring and Activity Sheet Zacchaeus In a Tree Bible Craft “Find Your Friend” Game “Remember My...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 35 Pages Bible Lesson Printable Bible Verse Cards Mad Monsters Bible Verse Coloring Sheet Mad-O-Meter Growing Mad Monster Craft Words for Anger Mad Monster Game Eph 4:26 Bible Verse Activity Sheet Fanfolded Bible Verse Review and Craft All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 35 Pages Bible Lesson Printable Bible Verse Cards Mad Monsters Bible Verse Coloring Sheet Mad-O-Meter Growing Mad Monster Craft Words for Anger Mad Monster Game Eph 4:26 Bible Verse Activity Sheet Fanfolded Bible Verse Review and Craft All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 23 Pages Bible Lesson Printable Bible verse cards – KJV and NIV Lost coin craft foam money pouches Woman searching for coin activity sheet Woman finds her coin stick puppet Coin rubbing activity sheet Shoebox diorama Luke 19:10 Bible verse rebus activity sheets – KJV and NIV All the...
Price: $2.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 36 Pages Bible Lesson Bible Verse Cards Serpent Talking to Eve Coloring or Activity Sheet Cereal Box Puppet Stage, Puppets, and Act out the Story Adam and Eve Stick Puppets Printable Garden of Eden Bulletin Board Display and Lesson Visual Recognizing Satan’s Lies Children’s Activity Apple Bible Verse Review...
Price: $3.95
Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes: 38 Pages Bible Lesson Bible Verse Card Serpent Talking to Eve Coloring or Activity Sheet Cereal Box Puppet Stage, Puppets, and Act out the Story Adam and Eve Stick Puppets Printable Garden of Eden Bulletin Board Display and Lesson Visual Recognizing Satan’s Lies Children’s Activity Apple Bible Verse Review...
Price: $3.95