Bible Lesson About Angels for Children Printable Patterns for this Lesson Include: 30 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Facts About Angels Printable Book Fan-Folded Paper Angel Craft Printable Angels Ascend Bible Lesson Review Game Build an Angel Bible Lesson Review Game “Pass the Parts” Angel Card Game A Multitude of Angels – Paper Chain Angels...
Price: $2.95
The Israelites Built the Temple and Temple Furnishings Printable Patterns for this Lesson Includes: 29 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards Work for the Lord Activity Sheet Craft Stick Picture of the Ark of the Covenant Work for the Lord Color Sheets Colossians 3:23 – Work with it with all Your Heart Bible Verse Review Activity...
Price: $2.95
Download Includes: Directions Black and White Craft Stick Ark Pattern with Craft Stick Angels Black and White Craft Stick Ark Pattern with Pictures of Angels All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room. You can find more learning activities and...
Price: $2.00
Download Includes: Directions KJV Ant Activity Sheet Pattern NIV Ant Activity Sheet Pattern Leaf Patterns All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room. You can find more learning activities and crafts on the Consider the Ants Bible Lesson Page on Danielle’s...
Price: $2.00
Printable Patterns for this Lesson Include: 20 Pages Printable Bible Verse Cards – KJV & NIV Amos Wasn’t Famous Coloring Sheet with Poem Amos Wasn’t Famous Coloring Sheet with Bible Verses – KJV & NIV “Famous in God’s Eyes” Buttons or Bookmarks Phil. 4:13 Coloring or Doodle Sheets – KJV & NIV Philippians 4:13 Search...
Price: $2.95
Download Includes: Directions Spinner Pattern with six spaces. Spinner Pattern with eight spaces. Spinner Pattern with twelve spaces. All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room. You can find more learning activities and crafts on the Bible Craft Temples Page on...
Children make their own story picture wheel to review the Bible lesson. They draw scenes from the Bible story in the spaces, attach the top wheel to the bottom, and then turn the wheel to reveal each scene in sequence. The wheel is available in both 5-scene and 4-scene patterns. Download Includes: Directions Two Pages,...
Use this Bible activity sheet to review the Bible story about Moses striking the rock to bring forth water in Numbers 20:2-13. Children color the picture and then attach the arm to Moses with a brass fastener. The arm can be moved up and down to make it look like Moses is striking the rock....
Price: $2.00
Use this Bible activity sheet to review the Bible story about Moses striking the rock to bring forth water in Numbers 20:2-13. Children color the picture and then attach the arm to Moses with a brass fastener. The arm can be moved up and down to make it look like Moses is striking the rock....
Price: $2.00