Lesson 3 – “The Shepherds Tell About Jesus’ Birth” Christmas Bible Lesson

In the third lesson of this five-part series, children will learn about the fulfillment of Old Testament scriptures pertaining to Jesus’ birth when Mary gives birth to Jesus.

Capture the magic of the Christmas story with our five-part series where children learn about the fulfillment of Old Testament scriptures regarding Jesus’ birth. Each week, children will craft Christmas tree decorations that represent different aspects of the story. As the weeks progress, the tree will beautifully evolve with new additions. Don’t worry if space is limited; the ornaments can be taken home or a large paper tree can be created and displayed on the wall. These versatile lessons can be tailored to any age group by adjusting the content, making them perfect for everyone.

Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Includes 14 Pages:

  1. Doily Angel Craft Pattern
  2. Shepherd and Sheep Paper Craft Pattern
  3. Cupcake Liner Shepherd Craft Pattern
  4. Make Christmas Cards Pattern
  5. Baby Jesus Envelope Craft Pattern
  6. Games and Songs

This is the third lesson in the “The Christmas Story” series, which includes 5 lessons.

Lesson 1The Prophets Tell the Good News – Free

Lesson 2An Angel Tells the Good News

Lesson 3The Shepherds Tell About Jesus’ Birth

Lesson 4The Wise Men Search for Jesus

Lesson 5The Rest of the Story

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are also available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on Lesson 3 – The Christmas Story – The Shepherds Tell About Jesus’ Birth on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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