God Made Me! Printable Book – NIV

Printable Patterns for this Craft Includes:

Cover – Children can draw a picture of themselves or glue a photograph on the cover.

Page 1 – “I can write my name”. Children practice printing their names. The teacher helps them fill in a chart about what they can do, how many brothers and sisters they have, how many pets they have, etc.

Page 2 – My Wonderful Eyes. Children draw pictures of wonderful things they can see that God has made.

Page 3 – My Eyes are this Color. Children color pictures of eyes to match their own eye colors and then work on a chart that shows how many children in their class have each eye color.

Page 4 – My Listening Ears. Children draw pictures of things they can hear.

Page 5 – Good Things I Can do With My Feet – The teacher helps children fill out a chart that shows what each child can do with his or her feet.

Page 6 – My Beautiful Feet. Children trace their feet when many different colors of crayons.

Page 7 – My Helping Hands – Children make a hand print.

Page 8 – Good Things I Can Do With My Hands. The teacher helps children fill out a chart that shows what they can do with their hands. Children draw pictures.

Page 9 – Good Things I Can Do With My Mouth. The teacher helps children fill out a chart that shows what they can do with their mouths. Children count their teeth and draw that number of teeth on a picture of a mouth.

Page 10 – My Happy Hearts – Children cut out heart shapes.

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership for $23.95.

You can find more learning activities and crafts relating to Creation on the “Creation Crafts for Sunday School” lesson on Danielle’s Place of Crafts.

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