God Made Me – My Helping Hands Bible Lesson – NIV

Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Include:

PART 1 – 28 Pages Including:

  1. Helping Hands Activity Sheet – Boy and Girl Pattern – Children paste pictures of things that can be used to help onto the activity sheet.
  2. Remember Memory Verse Hand Picture – KJV
  3. Good Samaritan and Donkey Paper Doll Craft to act out the story.
  4. Good Samaritan Bible Verse Activity Sheet Pattern
  5. Amazing Hands Guessing Game and Review the Story Activity
  6. Opening Help Hands Patterns used for a Bible Verse Review Game
  7. Remember the Memory Verse or Remember to Help Craft and Bulletin Board Display
  8. Fan-folded Caterpillar Good Samaritan Book
  9. Complete Bible Lesson
  10. Songs About the Good Samaritan

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on God Made Me – My Helping Hands Bible Lesson Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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