Use this fun craft as a “Piggy Bank” for children, as a prop to review the Bible lesson, or to review a Bible verse.
Bible Lesson Review – Write words on the bones that describe ways we can be faithful, such as praying, reading the Bible, obeying, not lying, etc. Instruct your children that when they are faithful and do one of the things written on the bones, they can feed their faithful pup the bone.
Bible Verse Review Game – Print one word of the verse on each bone. Instruct your children to try and find the first word of the verse. If they find the correct word, they can feed the dog. Keep playing until all the bones are gone.
All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.
You can find more learning activities and crafts relating to Fruit of the Spirit Faith on the “Dog Crafts and Activities Page” lesson on Danielle’s Place of Crafts.
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