“Big Cheese” Father’s Day Card Craft

Children will love crafting this adorable, mouse-themed Father’s Day card that’s sure to bring a smile to their dads’ faces. They color the patterns, cut them out, and glue them together to make the card. They also cut cheese shapes from yellow paper and draw on circles to make it look more like Swiss cheese, and then write the message, “Dad, you’re the big cheese!” on the cheese shape and tape it to the mouse’s mouth. To complete this heartwarming card, they draw on eyes and add whiskers and a heart-shaped nose, making the card come alive.

This craft includes a one-page pattern to color, cut, and assemble. 

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on the Father’s Day Crafts Page for Kids Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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