Be Wise Bible Lesson – KJV

Printable Patterns for this Bible Lesson Include:

25 Pages

  1. Printable Bible Verse Cards
  2. Paper Cup Owls Holding the Bible Verse
  3. Owl with Leaves Bible Verse Picture
  4. Paper Bag Owl Craft
  5. Owl Bookmark Craft
  6. “Remember This” Bible Verse Memorization Handprint Craft
  7. Whoo Whoo Review Game
  8. “Guess Whoo?”
  9. “Match the Picture to the Bible Verse” Game
  10. Hold on to Instruction” Hand Craft

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

For more information go to the Bible Crafts About Wisdom Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

This lesson is also available in NIV.

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