Abigail Keeps the Peace Bible Lesson

Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Include 25 Pages:

1. Hidden Message Beanbag Toss Game

Hidden Message Bean Bag Toss Game for Children’s Ministry

Children throw a beanbag or ball at the game pieces and try to knock pieces backward so that the letters on the bottom of the cards pop up. Let the child who has knocked over a piece try to guess what the letters might spell out. Keep playing until a child has guessed or all the pieces are knocked over. When you are done tell your children that they will be learning about a woman named Abigail who helped keep the peace.

David, Abigail, Nabal, and Donkey Stick Puppet to Review the Bible Lesson
Bible Stick Puppets for “Abigail Keeps the Peace” Bible Lesson

2. Abigail, David, and Nabal Stick Puppet Patterns

Students prepare a puppet skit for the rest of the class. Tell your students that one of them can be the narrator for the story and the others can act out the story with the puppets, or each student can be the voice of their own stick puppet.

3. Bible Story Review Cards Pattern

David, Abigail, and Nabal Bible Review Game

Write David, Abigail, and Nabal on your dry-erase board or on a piece of poster board. Have your students take turns picking one of the review cards. Ask them if the word or words describe David, Abigail, or Nabal. Then have them tape the card under the appropriate name on your board.

4. Discover the Bible Verse Activity Sheet Pattern

1 Samuel 25:33 Bible Verse Activity Sheet

Hand out the activity sheets and tell your children to draw a line through any words or word phrases that describe Abigail so that the only words that are left are from the Bible verse. If you are using the NIV, tell your children not to draw a line through the words “good judgment” or “blessed”. After your children are done, tell them to look up the Bible verse in their Bible to check their work.

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

You can find details about this lesson on the Abigail and David Bible Crafts Page on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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