Here’s a great, cheap and easy craft for a beach-themed VBS. Children color and insert the seal on a rock into the pool noodle and cut slits in paper to make the water that is spouting out of the whale. The whale and water are glued to a drinking straw and inserted into the pool noodle. To finish, children glue the “Jesus is My Rock!” label onto the pool noodle and add ocean-themed stickers. You can make about 20 pool noodle crafts from one $3.00 pool noodle and purchase 3000 fish stickers for $6.99 on Amazon.

This craft consists of three patterns:
- Black and White Pattern of the Whale and Seal on a Rock
- A Colored Pattern of the Whale and Seal on a Rock
- The Title “Jesus is My Rock!” can be printed on colored paper to save on ink.
All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.
You can find more VBS Crafts on Danielle’s Place of Crafts.
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