Lesson 4 – “The Wise Men Search for Jesus” Christmas Bible Lesson

Discover the awe-inspiring tale of the wise men in this lesson. They possessed the knowledge that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, and when they saw his star, they faithfully followed it until they found him.

This lesson encourages children to seek God just like the wise men did. This marks the fourth lesson in a series of five. Each week, your children will create Christmas tree decorations that serve as reminders of different parts of the Christmas story. As they add new decorations to the tree with each lesson, they will take pleasure in observing the tree transform into a thing of beauty. If space is limited, consider sending the ornaments home with your children or crafting a large paper tree to adorn your wall. With a bit of content adjustment, these lessons can cater to any age group.

Printable Craft and Activity Patterns for this Lesson Includes:

 14 Pages Including:

  1. Craft Stick Star Ornament Pattern
  2. “The Wise Men Search for Jesus” Color and Activity Sheet Pattern
  3. Glowing Nativity Cross Craft Pattern
  4. Games and Songs

All the patterns, games, and lessons in this store come from Danielle’s Place and are also available through a yearly membership on The Resource Room.

This is the fourth lesson in the series of “The Christmas Story” that includes 5 lessons:

Lesson 1The Prophets Tell the Good News – Free

Lesson 2An Angel Tells the Good News

Lesson 3The Shepherds Tell About Jesus’ Birth

Lesson 4The Wise Men Search for Jesus

Lesson 5The Rest of the Story

You can find details about this lesson on Lesson 4 – The Christmas Story – The Wise Men Search for Jesus on Danielle’s Place of Crafts and Activities.

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